Friday, December 17, 2010

What is a lease?

Companies need to hire equipment correctly lease in their financial statements as a rental contract or a lease classify. Classification of lease one check tax and accounting consequences. Source RuleThe financial accounting standards Board (FASB) established standards for the preparation of financial statements, including the classification of equipment leases. Financial accounting standards board sets leases in testifying financial accounting standards 13 number FeaturesA lease one or more economic conditions contains that resemble a financed purchase. As the title which lease property at the end or the sum of all leasing receives the tenant payments equal to the value of the equipment and company.Bargain OptionEven rent equipment a rate of return (interest) purchase receives the tenants not automatically title to the leased equipment is lease if the lessee has the option, the property for an amount of small enough to sufficiently sure buy the exercise of the option. Some treaties contain a $1 purchase option.Accounting TreatmentAlthough equipment rental companies right to retain the equipment, the treatment of leasing as a purchase of equipment with a loan secured by equipment standards. The tenants of your reserve parts of individual payments between interest and a reduction of mainly to create an interest free loan fixed implicit rate.Tax deduct ConsequencesLessees, recognise a portion of interest lease on your income tax payments and costs also capital right to remuneration for the equipment. Rentals under one operating lease payments can in General be deducted as an expense.

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