Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Utility law on the rights of tenants in the function

Rights Act utility service tenants is a law in Pennsylvania that requires business services for the tenants a rental at least 30 days before cutting note utilities such as heat, electricity, water and sewer. SignificanceThe Act provides tenants a lawful means to track your utilities where an owner to make payments to a company.Time utility FrameUnder Act, hear the utility companies must at least 37 days give the landlord in advance that pensions are cut off for non-payment. Seven days notice to the owner shall notify the utility the lessee tenant.FeaturesThe legally is authorized, to make payments to the company utility to get their services, and then the corresponding amount of these grants to each payment of rent to the owner. In addition, if the landlord for not paying the rent tenant, the tenant countersue for rent Court judge district two months.

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