Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tenant rights and repair

Many Americans, renting a property. Despite this, some tenants and repairs are the property to damage their rights and obligations. If the damage than like a carpet spot is broken smaller or larger than a sewer pipe, each tenant should understand these rights and responsibilities. Each tenant can hope right to a dignified housing and timely RepairsWhen rental property to a decent human settlement housing landlord provide. This expectation is not confined in the main, but extends to all common areas such as corridors, elevators and cellars. In addition to the right to housing, installation instructions tenants also has the right remedy in a timely manner, as necessary, tenancy.Maintaining maybe PropertyJust owner is bound, accommodation and repairs in a timely manner to make the tenant is obliged to maintain the property and should always the property as if it his own. If a tenant for normal wear and tear on the property is responsible, responsible is to damage caused or permitted, occur. In addition, the operator is not obliged to repair the damage by voluntary destruction.Demanding RepairsThe tenant duty the landlord repairs assumes of course that duty for the tenants announce repairs. The notice may be a simple flip phone; However, the written opinion preferable is. If a tenant is announcement the owner has a reasonable period of time to repair. Failure to make the necessary repairs leaves the tenants with three course action.Withhold and RentIf fully the landlord fails to repair the shortest route, carried out since the lessee of the action is the battle to withhold dieReparaturen. Whomn of the lessee intends to withhold rent should announce the lessor and always rent retained in confidence. Once the repairs be required the rent in trust to pay Uninhabitabireviser damage and delay in the repair will not to the owner, after deductions have been made to the extent repairs invoice and caused.Make DeductAlternatively, a tenant, wait for the landlord should make repairs but can organize themselves and simply pull off to rent the cost of repairs. If the tenant this action, it must announce the owner of his intention and written estimates of the cost of the work. The tenant should keep always received and can only withhold part which reasonably annuity, a tenant can more draconian measures relating to the repairs.AbandonmentA are simply abandoning property, although this is rare. Justify the abandonment to injuries serious and directly linked to the health and safety; Tenant damages must be caused the tenants through intentional or irresponsible actions; Damage be informed of the lessor and perform appropriate repairs must the allowed.CautionLandlord holding laws vary and individual rights and responsibilities vary from one State to another; Legal advice from an attorney licensed in your state.

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