Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ownership rights and responsibilities

Commercial and residential property owners enjoy certain rights and have specific responsibilities. Both.The three main rights enjoyed by a lessor are payments in a timely manner by the lessee ability, the premises with notice to that effect and hope not waste is the lessee in local or engage failure of the renter rights honor and the negligence of a landlord of tenant's responsibility can represent a violation of the terms and conditions for rental, a violation of the law (damage or premises of normal wear and tear of damage) of the .la owner responsibilities or obligations to a tenant fall into two categories divide: maintenance of the premises and the protection of the right tenant respect (must be able to use the property without undue interference) database. PaymentsThe rental right which is the most basic of the owner received, according to the recurring payments lease with tenants. (Although the rent can be adjusted upwards or downwards) of the lease term (absence of the mutual agreement) the lessee is required during the rent payments without exception. The failure of the lessee to make such payments as planned allows to start the owner a process to he or she payments can force becoming or end agreement.Access NoticeAlthough premises has the tenant the right to privacy and ownership of the leased premises, the owner has a right to access of the property rental in certain circumstances. First, an owner can access the location property "reasonable time" lessee is provided. All States use the standard reasonable notice. Normally it is called at least 24 hourn in advance to the tenant before as the sixteen definiertBereich the property.Second can enter in any State of emergency of the lessor has the ability to enter the premises, immediately and without notice. Examples of emergency will cause damage to the property (or the surrounding property) or a situation, a risk of harm to a person or persons representing unless a right to immediate intervention.WasteAnother by a lessor, that the lessee shall take appropriate measures to protect the property during the term of the lease. Technically this is known as the waste prevention on the site. Owner is entitled, damages in premises of normal wear and tear caused by the obligation of the more fundamental PremisesThe maintenance tenant.Basic or the responsibility of the owner to maintain the basic premises. This includes resolved heat, water and sanitation service and that the property in a reasonable interference in the inner elements is to prevent. (E.g. broken glass should be replaced, holes in the roof must be repaired, sanitary and electrical problems repaired the deliberate speed must be - with all)Quiet EnjoymentAnother obligation or liability of the owner is on the right to protect peaceful enjoyment of the property from the lessee. This responsibility measures a holder who has a property of buildings. An owner has caused the basic obligation, a tenant from interference with its use of the site by other tenants property to protect real premise. In most cases, a breach of the right to peaceful enjoyment of noise derives caused by other tenants in the building. However, a violation of the right to respect for the tenant may alsoit other types of errors occur it gibtt diseases suffer the noise.

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