Thursday, December 23, 2010

How to fix an owner one

The advantage of home instead of owning rental is that if expensive appliances die not to pay you, to your fixed or replaced are responsible. However, steps from all owners take their responsibilities towards your tenants seriously, so that if a device fails, find it difficult to your landlord to respond to your requests for repair could receive. Fortunately as a tenant, you have certain rights conform to your landlord, the by.Difficulty: ModerateInstructions1Read your lease. Find out if there is a section in your agreement or lease the renter and landlord's responsibilities relating to the maintenance or repair of equipment speaks. The document explains expressly that renters for devices is responsible, you're out of luck. On the other hand, when it says that the landlord devices and ensures that you maintained stay can your owner of the problem with the next step and have a leverage effect. 2Inform continue. Call for him to know him, what is the problem and what you want it to. Then, write a letter to your owner to reformulate the problem and the desired solution. Specify the problem solved, if taking into any language in your lease for an appropriate period for repairs. Letter certified mail to send so that there is a recording of it sent. 3Give time is landlord to make repairs is. If you see your landlord, claim remind him gently repaired but or that to rent threaten to withhold. Wait for the time specified in your contract which lease and the letter before proceeding. 4Call of your local housing organization. Each Member State and even cities in different countries have laws and regulations traités between it owners and tenants. Discover u, what your StateND city on liability of the owner of said your back (see equipment repair resources). In some States can rent keep until repairs are made, while in Autresvous cannot legally. Once you know the law, use it, putting additional pressure on your landlord repairs. 5Seek lawyers agree. The local legal aid agencies support usually tenants who have problems with their owners. You can make for some free free for you.

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