Tuesday, December 14, 2010

California eviction rights laws & tenant

Remedy for a landlord tenant in the absence of a land lease agreement that has is the expulsion. The lease may be terminated by the owner a procedure of expulsion. A procedure of expulsion, the lessee retains several rights. Complaint EvictA owner a tenant can remove without filing a complaint of unlawful possession against the local tenants or court.Right as DefendThe tenant has the right, against the Court that his own version of the leasing agreement disputes to defend. After receiving a complaint of unlawful detention, a tenant has five days an answer with a speedy jury file or judge TrialWhen court.Right file a response to the complaint, the tenant has the right to request the procedure shall be consulted on the designation of a judge or a jury. If tenants requests a jury trial that within begins trial tenants against the tenant from 21 days request.Right RetaliationA has to be right, free of retaliation if the lessee exercises a legal or constitutional law expulsion by the owner. For example, can still be on the site if a tenant is one life controlled rent unit itself, an owner can take precedence over the Court No proceedings expulsion against the lessee initiated, if the tenant refuses to, a rent to pay the unauthorized increase.Rights at JudgmentIf, the lessee. If the owner before the reign five days the tenant who will conduct the judgment a sheriff to go ahead or Marshal and remove the tenant.

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